MV Historic District

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places on April 19, 2001, the Mount Victory Historic District includes the main business block, Methodist Church and Park Place. The village’s significance met the qualifications within 5 of the National Trust’s categories: ARCHITECTURE, AGRICULTURE, COMMERCE, INDUSTRY, TRANSPORTATION.

The official ‘Listing Criteria’ is as follows: This property is listed in the National Register under Criterion A for its association with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history. This property is also listed in the National Register under Criterion C for its distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, because it represents the work of a master, possesses high artistic values, or because it represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction (e.g. a historic district).


Mt. Victory Historic District

National Register’s Statement of Significance:
The Mount Victory Historic District is significant under Criteria A and C. Under Criterion A, the district is important for its role in the history of this small northwest Ohio farming and railroad community. The district contains buildings that illustrate the development of the town from the late 19th century to the mid 20th century, reflecting themes of agriculture, commerce, transportation, and community in Mount Victory during this period. Under Criterion C, the district illustrates architectural development in a rural community over the same period of time. The vernacular character of most of the district’s buildings, with simple parapet facades, reflects a small-town environment that lacks the trappings of a larger city. The railroad line which engendered the town remains a significant presence, along with the mill and grain elevator that grew up beside it. A small-scale commercial district, with no building taller than two stories, grew up perpendicular to the rail line. The building which served as a town hall, with council room, jail cell and fire house, is an unpretentious building of simple character. Two buildings in the district stand out as examples of a more high-style design, however. These are “Park Place,” built c. 1872 in an Italianate design for a local merchant and used in the early 1900s as a hotel, and the Methodist Episcopal Church, built in 1903 in a Romanesque Revival style.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. If I own a building within the historic district, do I need special permission to do what I want to it?
No. Mount Victory does not have historic district design guidelines or a historic review process as is often found in other districts. The fate of a listed property is soley up to the owner’s discretion. Buildings in the district do not have special protection from deterioration, destruction or demolition.

2. What is the benefit of the historic district?
The benefits are many including marketing and promotion opportunities (i.e heritage tourism), grant opportunities, special tax credits for owners who want to qualify and the pride in being associated with one of the nation’s most prestiges organizations – The National Trust for Historic Preservation and The National Parks Service. The historic district is automatically eligible for special federal funds if disaster should strike – (ie. tornado, floods, etc)

3. How does having a building in the district benefit property owners specifically?
The National Trust offers a tax credit for owners who rehabilitate their building(s) within the district.

4. How do I go about getting the historic tax credits?
Owners must qualify for the credits and although many people aren’t willing to deal with the ‘red tape’, but it can be a big financial savings if you take the time to go through the process. Depending on what you’re planning to do, the credits may be well worth the effort. More info »

If you are interested in receiving the tax credits, you need to contact the Ohio Historic Preservation Office before you start your rehab. The work you plan to do will be reviewed to confirm it is compatible with historic preservation standards. To get started, call the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and ask to speak to a tax credit specialist about your project. They are there to help you: 614-298-2037

mv platmap

Early plat map of Mt. Victory

Common types of work that may qualify for historic tax credits:

– replacing, repairing a roof

– updating mechanicals

– repairing wood siding

– repairing or replacing wood windows

– restoring building storefront to original condition

– interior renovations


Common types of work that probably will not qualify:

– covering wood siding with vinyl siding

– covering original storefronts with other materials

– replacing wood windows with vinyl windows

– changing original window sizes

– removing slate roof and replace with asphalt

– changing original floor plan

– installing pools, hot tubs etc.